Thursday, March 14, 2013

El Desaliento de Arjuna

Krishna ante el desaliento de Arjuna en el Bhagavad Guita:

"¡Oh Partha ("hijo de Pritha", Arjuna)!, no te rindas a la cobardía; ella es indigna de ti.

¡Oh Fulminador de los Enemigos!, desecha de tu corazón esa mezquina flaqueza. ¡Levántate!"

Bhagavad Guita, Cap. II, 3.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Why Shiva Flies Into A Rage

By: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev on Mar 08, 2013 | 2799 Views | 62 Responses

 Why does Shiva fly into a rage – he is believed to do the rudra tandava as expression of his anger. How important is the Shiva mythology to our understanding of Self?

A: Though this vast emptiness which we refer to as Shiva is a boundless non-entity that is eternal and always, since human perception is limited to form, we created many wonderful forms for Shiva in tradition and culture. The enigmatic, non-perceivable Ishwara; the auspicious Shambho; the disarmingly naïve Bhola; Dakshinamurthy, the great master and teacher of the vedas, shastras and tantras; the easily forgiving Ashuthosh; Bhairava, the one tainted with the very blood of the creator; absolute stillness, Achaleshwara; the most dynamic of dancers, Nataraja – as many aspects as there are to life, that many aspects have been offered to him.

Generally, in most parts of the world, anything that people refer to as divine is always referred to as good. But if you read through the Shiva Purana, you cannot identify Shiva as a good person or a bad person. He is everything – he is the ugliest, he is the most beautiful; he is the best and he is the worst; he is the most disciplined, he is a drunkard. Gods, demons, and all kind of creatures in the world worship him. So-called civilisation has conveniently eliminated all those un-digestible stories about Shiva, but that is where the essence of Shiva is. Completely contradictory aspects of life have been built into the personality of Shiva. Such a complex amalgamation of all qualities of existence has been placed in one person because if you can accept this one being, you have crossed life itself. The whole struggle with life is we are always trying to pick out what is beautiful and what is not, what is good and what is bad. You will not have a problem with anyone if only you can accept this man who is a complex amalgamation of everything that life can be.  

In the Shiva Purana stories, you will see that the Theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics – the whole of modern physics – has been very beautifully expressed. But somewhere along the way people dropped the science and just carried the stories, and the stories were exaggerated from generation to generation to a point of being absolutely ridiculous. If you put the science back into the stories, it is a beautiful way to express the science.

The Shiva Purana is the highest science of elevating human nature to the very peak of consciousness, expressed in beautiful stories. Yoga has been expressed in the form of a science without stories attached to it, but if you look at it in a deeper sense, yoga and the Shiva Purana cannot be separated. One is for those who like stories, another is for those who are willing to look at everything scientifically, but the fundamentals of both are the same.

Today, scientists are suggesting that one of the best ways to impart education is to impart it in the form of stories or in the form of play. A little effort has been made in that direction, but most of the education has remained hugely suppressive. The huge volume of information suppresses your intelligence unless it is given to you in a certain form, and the story form of teaching would be the best way.

Ask your vendor for The Speaking Tree paper on Sunday, Shivaratri Special Issue, @ Rs3. Lead: A kalpwasi’s encounter with Bholenath; Parvati as Ardhanarishwara and more…


Saturday, March 2, 2013

"La Vida Diaria una Oportunidad"

"La vida no es lo que parece. Los obstáculos pueden no ser obstáculos. Los dolores pueden no ser indeseables. Las dificultades aparentes pueden ser nuestras amigas. Pues, si el principal objetivo de la vida humana, de acuerdo con la voluntad Divina, es la evolución, el progreso hacia la perfección, entonces todo lo que se presenta en nuestro camino debe contener el potencial para ayudarnos en este proceso.

Las personas desagradables, irritantes o fastidiosas, personas que aparentemente trabajan en contra nuestra, pueden ser nuestros amigos. Es posible que Dios los haya enviado para mostrarnos nuestra intolerancia, impaciencia, mala voluntad, rencor, espíritu vengativo.

Estas son una multitud de reacciones no-espirituales dentro nuestro que se interponen en el camino. A menos que sean provocadas ¿cómo podemos llegar a saber que existen dentro nuestro? De la misma manera, ciertas tentaciones pueden mostrarnos que tenemos la capacidad para romper nuestro voto de satyam o brahmacharya.

Es por eso que debemos constantemente ver cómo Dios nos está tratando de despertar, de qué forma está tratando de ayudarnos a desarrollar nuestra naturaleza más elevada. Entonces la vida será muy interesante. Tendrá algo que decirnos a cada momento. De pronto, las dificultades pueden asumir una nueva luz. En vez de ser algo fastidioso que debemos evitar, pueden ser un desafío, un llamado de atención o una ayuda. Pueden ser algo que llegue a invocar en nosotros una virtud más elevada. 

Por Swami Chidananda "La Vida Diaria Una Oportunidad"