Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Up above the clouds...

It's a glorious day in London today, forecast to hit 21 degrees. The hottest day of the year so far with a beautiful seamless blue sky, barely blotted by a cloud.

Everything feels better to me when the sun shines. Being basked in warmth and light really calms me. It stills me and gives me peace and reassurance, like I've come home. I get a similar feeling from being on the coast and hearing the sea gently lapping at the shore. I wonder if this is because I grew up in Portesham in Dorset and spent many a happy time whiling away sunny days on the beach with my parents.

When the Boy and I got together and were in that beautiful first flush of love, we used to lie in each other's arms and listen to a song about the blue sky - Up Above The Clouds, by Turin Brakes. I absolutely love the song and whenever I hear it or whenever I find myself under a blue sky, I smile, and think about the Boy and those early, heady days of our romance. For us the sky has always been pretty blue, and while we've had our ups and downs, our relationship has been blessed with more than our fair share of warmth and light.

Our love has of course changed since those humble beginnings. The bubbling desperation to be together has mellowed into a sublime wonder that we found each other, and a quiet euphoria that we have pledged in front of all our family and friends to walk together always.

Being with the Boy lets me be the best I can be - and with him by my side there will always be a blue sky up above the clouds.

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